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Tile cutting wheels and wear protection

Increase quality, improve durability, reduce costs

Certainly you are under increasing pressure with your products to improve durability and reduce
costs. We are trying to meet this quest for longer durability by developing new carbide grades for wear protection and continuously improving them.

By using carbide, there could also be opportunities for improved wear protection for your products or production machines, which will ultimately improve the quality of your products or reduce the setup costs of your machine.

Our product range includes carbide wear parts, such as carbide knives and bars. In addition to our well-known items such as carbide plates and shaped parts, which are often delivered raw sintered, we can offer a state-of-the-art shaping and grinding department. Therefore we are able to produce also smaller series at a reasonable price.

Tile cutting wheels

We supply carbide tile cutting wheels in a wide range of dimensions and designs. In addition to special customer requirements, which we can meet on request, we can offer TIN coating of the tile cutting wheels.

Furthermore, it is possible to realize the most exact tolerances according to your specifications on the sides, on the inner diameter as well as on the cutting edge by precise grinding of the blank.

Tile cutting wheels with customer logo

In addition to long durability through our grade WK20, which is used especially for our tile cutting wheels, there is the possibility for you to have, for example, your company name worked into the carbide body. This way, your customers will not only remember the quality of the tile cutter, but also your brand.

Metall Verschleißschutz

Carbide in the textile industry

Shear parts, sleeves and bushings. Carbide is used everywhere where tools and wear parts are subject to the highest requirements. This also includes industries such as the textile industry, where various materials are conveyed and processed.

Special parts

We also produce other special parts for a wide range of applications. These include carbide inserts, carbide-tipped or solid carbide millstones and many other products such as bearing bolts and special tools, for example in mechanical engineering or the automotive industry.

We have a suitable carbide grade for almost every application. State-of-the-art production technologies enable us to produce a wide variety of special designs. We would also be pleased to receive your inquiry in order to meet new challenges together with you.


Carbide grade overview for wear protection

Grade Grain size Cobaltcontent % Density g/cm³ Hardness Transverse rupture strenght
Data sheet
WK15M Medium 7,0 14,8 1.470 91 2.300 PDF
WK20 various 8,5 14,60 1.300 89,5 2.100 PDF
WG10 Medium+ 6,0 14,85 1.420 90,6 2.800 PDF
WG20 Medium+ 12,0 14,2 1.180 88,2 3.500 PDF
WG30 Medium+ 15,0 13,95 1.070 87,0 3.600 PDF
WG55 Coarse 22,0 13,25 770 83,0 2.500 PDF
WG60 Coarse 25,0 13,0 740 82,5 2.400 PDF
WK10Ni+ Medium 10,0 Ni 14,6 1.210 88,0 2.200 PDF